Hey guys! So with new year coming up and a load of things I’m wanting to get done next year I thought it would be a great time to get my shit in order and write a list! 2015 was a pretty incredible year for me, have achieved tonnes personally and in the hobby including getting married!
  •        Paint up the Mierce Minatures War Daemon Model (Kruul/Krull) for Mike’s PaintingChallenge. Gonna go OTT with this and really do my best work. Long term plan is to have a sizeable Darklands army which will double as an AoS Chaos army (Fomoraic used as Beastmen/Warriors). I have a plan to go monster heavy with Be’lakor (Kruul) as my general, a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, a Ghorgon, 12 Minotaurs, some Warriors, some Bestigors and war mammoth. Rough aim is to finish this army for this time next year.
  •        Horus Heresy: Short term paint up Sigismund, Alexis Pollux and a few other character models. Longer term build out a full 3000pt army with a rough aim of completing for WinterWar 2016. Same as above these will be my best possible work, need to do the models justice!!
  •       Necrons: Finish off all my unpainted models (totalling approx. 7500pts), kind of a ridiculous amount but im just really loving them at the moment. Want to have all the options available to be played with and one day play a monster game vs 2-3 friends AdMech armies to represent the Necrons rising up on Mars to crush the followers of the false machine god. The Void Dragon Rises!!! Hoping to complete this by the end of February.
  •      Terrain: Build and paint all my 40k/futuristic terrain, I have a bucket load to do and hope I can get it done by the end of January.
  •       Maybe some infinity if it tickles my fancy! I have a PanO starter set that I’m really tempted to paint up!

What are your hobby plans for 2016?

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