Hello folks,

Lets start off with an update on round one of the real league:

Ming’s Marauders 1 -  The Lack Lustrians 3

Adam (Ming’s Marauders) seems to be developing a tradition of having a really bad start to Blood Bowl leagues. This time was no different. His Dark Elves got trampled by Andrew’s Lack Lustrian Lizards. His line-elf, Lecibnitol, took a particularly bad hit which smashed his collar-bone, resulting in permanently losing 1 point of strength!

Andrew on the other hand had a great game with 2 of his players leveling up. His Kroxigor, Kroxuax of Chaqua, picked up the Guard skill, and the skink named Chicc-Chicc learnt the Catch skill after scoring an impressive 3 touchdowns. Anyone that picked him for their Fantasy Football team will be chuffed with that result.

The Ironbeard Guard 2 – “I told you I was ill” 0

Excellent start for the dwarves here. Their coach Dan has learnt from previous leagues that it’s not always about smashing the opposing team down (although the Dwarf team are pretty damn good at that). His game has really improved and he kept focused on where the ball was and how best to shut down the enemy and get the touchdowns.

The undead were definitely more focused on trying to eat dwarf brains in this game, and although their coach Paul made a good push for an equaliser in the second half, a canny Trollslayer had his number, took the ball away and scored the Ironbeard Guard’s second point. It was quite a brutal match as you’d expect, but the regeneration skill for the undead and the thick skull skill for the dwarfs really paid off and hardly anyone suffered any lasting damage.

As a result of a great game, the Trollslayer named Trollchewer levelled up and actually gained +1 to his armour stat!

Magnusson’s Marauders 2 – Redmist Reavers 1

So, my first game of the league! I had forgotten how much extra pressure playing a league game puts on you. When you are just having one-off games, you don’t really care as much’ But when there’s a chance you might lose a player for future games, every time your opponent rolls a block dice is tense, every time they roll against your armour is nail-biting, and if they break that armour, you just don’t want to watch!

This match was Chaos vs Chaos and I had images of the two teams treating this as a real grudge match. Who were the stronger warriors and who deserves the blessings of the Dark Gods more? The game basically boiled down to a massive scrum in the centre field, with just a few beastmen (or in my case Marauders) from each team worrying about where the ball actually was. Watching 2 beastmen fighting over the ball, constantly blitzing each other with the Horns skill was pretty amusing. Finally, somehow, I managed to wrestle free of this and score a touchdown.

The rest of the match was pretty intense and despite taking the win Robin’s Redmist Reavers didn’t let me go lightly and gouged the eye of one of my Warriors, Ornolf, meaning he’ll have to miss the next game! Ouch!

Da Smashy Hitterz 1 – “We just want to be loved” 0

Unfortunately I was at band practice the night this match got played so I can’t tell you a lot about it. What I can tell you is “Sneaky” Azmash Crumphamma scored the only touch down of the game and for his efforts luckily picked up the Dodge skill which could make him quite a force to be reckoned with!

Al Gore’s Man-Bear-Pig Appreciation Society 1 – Unnamed Goblin Team 0

We had a goblin no-show for this one sadly. AGMBPAS get a win by default. That means they get the usual bonuses for winning a match, but also they get a free touchdown (the player awarded the SPP is chosen randomly) AND the opponents MVP SPP and winnings! Seems to be pretty awesome when your opponent doesn’t show! Man Bear Pig, the Rat Ogre levels up.

The Hurdy Gurdy Hitmen 3 – Unnamed Orc Team 1

Rob, the Orc coach in question actually had to forfeit halfway through the match due to real-life issues, giving Tom’s Hurdy Gurdy Hitmen the win. As with the other forfeited match, he picked up lots of lovely bonuses on top on having a pretty good first half. Thor picks up the dodge skill.

Despite not even taking the pitch this match, Norseman number 12 picks up the randomly decided MVP award, which earns him the name Loki.

Fantasy Football Results Table

Team Name Total SPP
RRRiot POW-Lice 27
The Menagerie of Malcontent’s 26
Team Hatstand 22
Traci Lords of Change 15
Doc’s Depraved Delinquents 12
Bellend Hogs 12
Clueless Wonders 11
The Southland Alliance 10
The Donkey Men 2
Van Hemlock’s Vandals 1

So The Menagerie of Malcontent’s made a pretty good choice of captain in Man Bear Pig, netting themselves a load of points. Other than that his team has picked up a couple more MVP’s and not much else. They are currently just being pipped to the post by the RRRiot POW-Lice, as they’ve selected a lucky and strong core of achieving positional players.

Van Hemlock’s Vandals and The Donkeymen have had some bad luck this week, but its early days and Nuffle always has some surprises up his sleeve.

Everyone will be relieved to know there have been no player deaths so far! I’m sure we’ll try to change that just as soon as we can.

A.A.B.B.F.F.L’s Current No.1 player:
Chicc-Chicc of The Lack Lustians (9 SPP)
Chicc-Chicc the Skink

It’s been great to be playing in a league again. I hope you all look forward to the next installment!

(p.s. I have been having some issues with my spreadsheets for the league but I think I’m finally on top of it. Apologies for any inconvenience caused)