Yesterday I got to play in a mega battle with my Khorne army versus Adeptus Mechanicus from the Horus Heresy by Forgeworld. It was a big game (5000 points) so I was able to test most of my units except for the new Kytan daemon engine. Here's my army list which is a double CAD - Khorne Daemonkin and Black Legion...

+++ Khorne (4824) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: Black Legion (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (3089) ++

+ HQ (425) +

Abaddon the Despoiler (265)

Kharn the Betrayer (160)

Warlord Trait - Hatred Incarnate:
The Warlord and his unit have Hatred (everything).

+ Elites (860) +

Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought (375)
• Carapace Mounted Havoc Launcher
• Dedication of Khorne
• Extra Armour
• Heavy Conversion Beamer
• Searchlights
• Smoke Launchers

Lucius Pattern Dreadnaught Drop Pod (100)

Chaos Terminators (485p)
Mark of Tzeentch - Veterans of the Long War

Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Power Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Power Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Power Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Chain Fist
Terminator - Combi-Bolter - Lightning Claw
Terminator - Combi-Melta - Power Axe
Terminator - Combi-Melta - Power Axe
Terminator - Combi-Melta - Power Axe
Terminator - Heavy Flamer - Power Axe
Terminator Champion - Lightning Claw - Powerfist

+ Troops (534) +

Chosen (279)
6x Chosen (108pts)
Icon of Wrath - Mark of Khorne - Veterans of the Long War
Plasma Pistol - Meltagun - 2x Power Axe
Chosen Champion - Gift of mutation - Lightning Claw - Power Fist - Melta Bombs

Khorne Berzerkers (255)
Icon of Wrath - Veterans of the Long War
7x Khorne Berzerker - 2x Plasma Pistol
Berzerker Champion - Gift of Mutation - Lightning Claw - Power Fist - Melta Bombs

+ Heavy Support (820) +

Chaos Spartan Assault Tank (320)
Armoured Ceramite - Dirge Caster - Dozer Blades - Extra Armor - Frag Assualt Launchers - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter - Two Sponson-mounted Quad Lascannons

Chaos Land Raider (250)
Dirge Caster - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour - 2x Sponson mounted Twin-linked Lascannons - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

Chaos Land Raider (250)
Dirge Caster - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour - 2x Sponson mounted Twin-linked Lascannons - Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

+ Lord of War (450) +

Chaos Typhon (450)
Armoured Ceramite - Dreadhammer Siege Cannon - Lascannon Sponson
Legacy - +1 Invulnerable Save for Khornate units with 6" (40)

Crushing Weight
Dreadhammer Range

++ Codex: Khorne Daemonkin (Combined Arms Detachment) (1735) ++

+ HQ (315) +

Chaos Lord (205)
Collar of Khorne - Goredrinker - Juggernaut of Khorne - Lightning Claw - Sigil of Corruption

Herald (110)
Hellblade - Juggernaut of Khorne - Lesser Locus of Abjuration Hellblade

+ Elites (200) +

Bloodcrushers (200) - Banner of Blood
4x Bloodcrushers - 4x Hellblade

+ Troops (200) +

Bloodletters (100) - Banner of Blood
8x Bloodletters - 8x Hellblade

Bloodletters (100) - Banner of Blood
8x Bloodletters - 8x Hellblade

+ Fast Attack (320) +

Flesh Hounds (320)
20x Flesh Hounds - 20x Collar of Khorne

+ Lords of War (700) +
Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne (700)
2x Hellmaw Cannon - Scorpion Cannon - Soulburner Cannon

Doomsday Reactor
Frenzied Charge
It Will Not Die
Multi-legged Terror
Runes of the Blood God

Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne
WS:3|BS:3|S:10|Front:14|Side:13|Rear:10|I:3|A:6|HP:9|Type:Super-heavy Walker|

Hellmaw Cannon: Range:Template|Strength:6|AP:3|Type:Assault 1|
Scorpion Cannon: Range:36"|Strength:6|AP:3|Type:Heavy 10|
Soulburner Cannon: Range:24"|Strength:10|AP:2|Type:Primary Weapon 1, Large Blast, Ignores Cover

My army was deployed as follows:

Kharn and the Chosen are mounted in one of the Chaos land raiders. The Berzerkers are mounted in the other Chaos land raider while Abbadon and the Tzneetch terminators are mounted in the Chaos Spartan. The Chaos Contemptor is mounted in the Lucius pattern dreadnaught drop pod. The Chaos Lord and Herald join the Flesh Hounds. Bloodletters and Bloodcrushers will deep strike from reserve.

Here is my opponent's army list:

Mechanicum Taghmata Omnissiah - Age of Darkness (4999)

HQ (1230)

Magos Reductor Calleb Decima (510) - Warlord

Magos Prime (350)
Abeyant - Archmagos Prime - Augury Scanner - Cortex Controller - Cortica Primus - Cyber-Familiar - Djinn-Skein - Machinator Array - Malagra - Melta Bombs - Phased Plasma-Fusil - Photon Gauntlet - Power Fist - Rad Grenades

Magos Dominus (155)
Abeyant - Augury Scanner - Cortex Controller - Cyber-Familiar - Refractor Field - Machinator Array - Photon Gauntlet - Melta Bombs

Magos Dominus (135)
Abeyant - Conversion Beamer - Cortex Controller - Cyber-Familiar - Refractor Field - Melta Bombs

Navigator (80)
Cyber Familiar - Digital Lasers - Nuncio Vox - Refractor Field - Aetherlabe Staff - Archeotech Pistol

Mechanicum Land Raider (320)
Armored Ceramite - Auxiliary Drive - Dozer Blade - Extra Armor - Flare Shield - Frag Assault Launchers - Hunter Killer Missile - 2x Plasma Cannon - Volkite Culverin

Troops (1098)

Castellax Class Battle Automata Maniple (252)
Castellax (105) - 2x Flamer - Multi-Melta - Power Blades
Castellax (105) - 2x Flamer - Multi-Melta - Power Blades
Enhanced Targeting Arrays - Frag Grenades - Searchlights

Castellax Class Battle Automata Maniple (126)
Castellax (105) Seige Wrecker
Enhanced Targeting Array - Frag Grenades - Searchlight

Thallax Cohort (190)
3x Thallax - Destructor - Multi-Melta- Melta Bombs

Thallax Cohort (190)
3x Thallax - Destructor - Multi-Melta- Melta Bombs

Thallax Cohort (340)
6x Thallax - Empyrite - Heavy Chain Blades - Melta Bombs

Elites (351)

Domitar Class Battle Automata Maniple (186)
Flakk Missiles - Frag Grenades - Graviton Hammers - Searchlight

Tech Priest Auxilia (155)
4x Adept - Servo Arms - Servo Automata
Magos Auxilia - Augury Scanner - Cortex Controller - Cyber-Familiar - Enginseer - Melta Bombs - Nuncio Vox - Volkite Charger

Fast Attack (933)

Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter (285)
Battle Servitor Control - Ground Tracking Auguries - Phosphex Bomb Cluster - Ramjet Diffraction Grid - 2x Twin Linked Missile Launcher (Rad Missiles)

Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery (105!

Ursarax Cohort (245)
5x Urasarax

Vorax Class Battle Automata Maniple (298)
3x Vorax - Enhanced Targeting Array - Frag Grenades - Irad Cleanser - Searchlight

Heavy Support (637)

Thanatar Calix Class Siege Automata (346)
Enhanced Targeting Array - Paragon of Metal - Searchlight

Thanatar Cynis Class Siege Automata Maniple (291)
Enhanced Targeting Array - Searchlight

Lords of War (750)

War Machine Detachment - 2x Mechanicum Questoris Knight Errant

Mission - Purge the Alien

Deployment - Hammer and Anvil

My opponent won the roll to deploy first and chose to do so. He pretty much spread out all his forces right up at the front of his deployment zone with the Thanatars to his right, the Knights in the middle and the land raider to his left with the HQ embarked. He kept some of his Thallax in reserve along with his flyer. The sentry guns were in the middle in front of a ruin in cover.

I counter deployed with my Flesh Hounds on my left all the way up to the front of my deployment and strung them out so several models were within 6" of the Typhon. The Typhon and Greater Brass Scorpion were deployed in the middle with The Spartan and two land raiders to my left behind line of sight blocking terrain - note these three tanks could see over to my opponent's left hand side of his deployment zone.

Pre Game Analysis
The Admech army is primary built for close combat and I've seen what it can do. Most of its heavy hitters are slow though except for the two Knights and HQ embarked in the land raider. I planned to use the Flesh Hounds aggressively with the Chaos Lord and Herald. I'll need to hit some of the more squishy enemy units first to super charge the Chaos Lord's relic weapon (Gore Drinker)... Once he has inflicted seven or more unsaved wounds he is S10 and has instant death attacks - the Gorelord will be my primary heavy hitter versus all those monstrous creatures and even the Knights if push comes to shove. The Chaos Contemptor will serve as a distraction and hopefully drop some wounds on a Thanatar in close combat. Kharn is also very good at taking care of Knights and will be used as a second wave. Abbadon and his terminators will sit back in the Spartan plinking away with the quad lascannons and act as the knock out punch if needed. The Bloodletters are simply there to score line breaker if possible.

There is no night fight and I fail to sieze. The Flesh Hounds then scout up hugging cover and the game begins.

To be continued !