2015 has been a great year.  I can say that it has been one of the best I can remember.  I look back at certain things and think how far I have come.  It's been a pretty wild ride I must say. Let's have a brief look at the year that was.

NOVA 2015:

The picture at the top and the one immediately below this really sum up my year.  NOVA 2014 I had to leave earlier than planned and missed my chance to actually win best terrain.  I swore that this wouldn't happen for 2015 and I was lucky it didn't.  Looking at the tables, competition was tough. Team "Wilson/Mike" almost kicked my butt with their excellent city terrain.  Warsenal even made a showing but I managed to snag it.  Regardless, I won when Gutier (Interruptor) from CB stopped me to talk about my table and ask me questions.  He loved the theme and was the highlight of my event.

I also didn't end up to bad gaming wise.  Second place in the Friday ITS (lost on VP to Plebian. Who is 1st in the US and 2nd in the world) and most kills in the Hunger Games matches.  Team EI (teamed with Wilson) won 1st in Fire Teams.  More over I met a lot of great people and had a blast.

One of the best matches was after a horrible loss to a very cool JSA player (I forgot his name).  I was playing CA and pulled another CA player.  He won LT and choose deployment.  He had me deploy first and says with a smile, "I have Strategos Level 3."  I asked him how many matches did he win.  He was 3-0.  I said it will be my pleasure being his first loss.

After he deployed, I placed my one model for Strategos Level 2 (a Speculo Killer) in line with a group of models.  Suicide run netted him a loss of 3 orders.  I spent an order to make sure I controlled the center antennae.  The remaining orders was to run my Ikadon up the flank to flame the Avatar and 3 more orders.  I dropped two of the three but the Avatar dodged.  In the end, I pulled a great win but screwed up with my Dr. Worm and cost me the tournament.  Great time though.  I would play him later and he played the waiting game and snatched victory from me in the final round on a hail mary that was great.


My ranking actually toppled from last year.  I blame the Baltimore Brawl.  Going 1-3 has an impact. A bad impact.  I went from 43 to 325.  That's the issue with a system that expects you to finish in the top half after a string of good victories.  I had one first place at GnS to add to my belt.  Got 2nd place in the GenCon Infinity with my only loss coming from Plebian and it was a 3-4 loss.

I would say the meta in the Baltimore/Washington area is one of the toughest.  If you win a match 4-3 it's a major win.  Points are difficult to obtain and people really are on top of their game.  Part of the reason I like NOVA and GenCon.  It seems like your tricks are new and you have played so many people you know armies pretty well.  

I met a lot of people and really have been enjoying the community.  I went to the I4, GenCon and NOVA.  A few other smaller tournaments and only one bad time.

I played CA all year with the exception of recently.  It has been my tournament army and I love them.  I do think I will be doing what I saw a few of the others doing at NOVA.  Playing a different army each event.  Probably keep CA (in some form) in the mix but will have my Tohaa, Ariadna, and Nomads/Corregidor make regular rotations.  Mainly to keep people guessing at the store and to have more variety.

I will also be running a campaign event at NOVA this year.  More on that as it comes available.


I traded models and bought new ones.  I actually traded them to get my Step-Brother an army to play but he hasn't been available and I built it up.  I haven't played at all this year.  I plan to fix that and it to the mix of games.


I played at GenCon and like the game.  I just can't find time to play as much as I like.  Really sad.


Started picking up the models.  I hope I get to play it soon.

Black Maria Designs (plug http://blackmariadesigns.com) :

This was the big news of 2015.  I am a business owner with the troubles and joys of business ownership.  I partnered with Todd Sherman (SincaiN40k) just before NOVA and we purchased a laser.  It is going slow as we ramp up our items.  We are prepping a Kickstarter project for Malifaux terrain with a low goal.  Mainly looking at more supplies to move things forward.

I bought us a 3d printer and we are really making strides.   I think by NOVA (which is about our 1 year anniversary) we will be in a good place.

Looking Forward:

I am excited about what 2016 holds for us.  Most of my hobby time has been devoted to Black Maria Designs.  I have been trying to eek out time since it benefits both.

I really need to keep my ranking higher in ITS.  :)