As the title suggests, you can now get your tickets for Double Trouble which will take place on Saturday June 11th 2016 at the NWGC in Stockport. I already announced some details about the event in a previous post here but you can now view the Double Trouble page for more information. There are still a few things to be confirmed such as the specific details of the custom tactical objectives that will be in use but I wanted to get something up on the blog so people can be thinking about their armies.

What is Double Trouble?
Double Trouble is a Warhammer 40,000 doubles tournament with a difference. Instead of writing an army list together with a partner, each player will write their own 750pt army list from the faction of their choice. Before the first round you will be randomly assigned a doubles partner and play against another random pairing. The allies chart will not be used therefore all combinations will be treated as "Battle Brothers".

At the start of the next round you will be assigned a new random partner so you will get to play three games with 9 different people and hopefully a good variety of armies.

Tickets are on sale now and cost £17.50 per person with 52 spaces available. Your ticket entitles you to 3 games of 40K, lunch, free entry into the raffle and, a chance to win spot prizes throughout the day.  To purchase tickets, please send £17.50 per ticket to via PayPal (using the Friends and Family option). Please include your preferred contact email address along with email addresses for anyone else you're buying a ticket for. Please also include the dietary requirements of everyone you're buying a ticket for (even if it's just to say there aren't any).

Army Selection 
Each army can cost up to and including 750pts and must come from a single faction. The only restrictions on the units you can take are as follows:
  • One detachment OR formation per 750pt army
  • No super heavy vehicles, gargantuan creatures or fortifications are allowed. 
  • No unit may be taken more than twice (excluding Dedicated Transports)
Just remember, you have no idea who you'll be paired with or against. That means either a balanced list or hope that you get something complementary.

Imperial Armour/Horus Heresy armies and Forge World 40K legal units ARE permitted. That being said, armies must still comply with the above restrictions.

Scenarios & Scoring
Each game will use Random Game Length and the same two missions:
  • Annihilation - Destroy your opponents' army for a number of blood points equal to the value of enemy units destroyed.
  • Tactical Superiority - Score VPs by achieving the tactical objectives detailed on the Double Trouble objective cards (to be provided). 
The specific details of the objective cards and deployment types in use will be announced soon so keep an eye on the DT page for them.

I'm trying to keep things reasonably simple since I think there'll be enough complexity created with the random partnerships. I'm sure that 2.5 hours will be enough in each round even with the extra introductions and swapping of lists.

Anyway, let me know what you think. I'd prefer not to change things too drastically from what I've set out here but as with Blog Wars, I'd really like to here what you all think so I can make this the most enjoyable event possible. I'm looking forward to it already and I hope you lot are too.