.. the journey to 3D world!

2016 started for me with a loud bang, and the reason is this bad boy over here...

This is the brand new bq Hephestos 2 3D printer . I have been toying with buying a 3D printer for quite a long time now but I wasn't sure I could find the proper model to get me started. After a long long research, I ended up to this bad boy over here which I believe is the perfect entry level model one can buy for under 1000 € . More on my opinion though after I get to work with it!

As part of my entrance to the 3D printing world, I intend to start toying with the idea of creating my own YouTube Channel, starting off with some unpacking and assembly videos of my latest toy and of course, presentations and showcases of painted models and scenery from my evergrowing projects. Let me know what you think in the comments.

To give you an idea of the functionality of this machine, take a look at this video

Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting things in the future!
Till next time, take care!