Monday was the blog's 6th birthday, though I can't remember a time when I didn't have the blog.

We passed the 400k hits mark just before Christmas, though things have been slowing down for the last couple of years. I even managed to lose 12 followers in the space of 4 hours in December, I guess they didn't like my Force Awakens post, lol!

Last year I made a few predictions, but I'm learning that they're rather pointless these days. Life keeps throwing curve balls in there to make sure none of us get comfortable (I was made redundant on my first day back after the holidays) and having a little one running around the house leaves little time for anything other than to get your breath back, eat and sleep.

I did manage to get some painting done in the last 12 months (approx. 12 models), and managed a handful of games. I spent money on Batman, Guild Ball, Zombicide, a host of random stuff and even a bit of Malifaux.

I would love to get back to the old days of posting painted models every week, but I've realised this won't happen soon. This year I hope to paint a few more – a model a month would be good – and to play a few more games – again, a game a month would be good. Bull and I have pencilled in a gaming schedule for the coming months so I'm upbeat about that.

As for the rest, bring it on. A lot of things can happen in 12 months – the last year proved that – so let's see where we are this time next year!