While painting up a ton of table top models is not for everyone, this competition over at The Analogues Hobbies Painting Challenge is giving me the proper kick in the pants that I need to clear out some older projects. Giving them a new lease on life, and hopefully to do better on the fields of war as well!
Up first were a project well lost in the times.. and I need to continually ask for forgiveness on this..
The first batch of the Raging Heroes models, and a quite electric mix of them to be honest. The wilderness girls in Catachan colors to make their male counterparts..
Some nice characters full of life and very dynamic overall.. Especially the Slannashi Daemon Princess there.. lots of fun painting her up!
And to round it off I also re-painted up my Trucks I have been using for my Japanese forces.
Normally they should be 2 1/2 ton trucks for the Americans, but I find that they work nicely for the basic trucks for Japanese as well. Both have a MMG/HMG option, so this fits. I also redid the barrels of the guns with brass rods as they were all terribly bent previously.
Netted me 205 pts towards my total, but it seems that due to my work on the side side project for Mad Max I have been lapped by a few others to have most points painted! At least this is making it interesting, and will be cool to see how it all works when I drop the next set of vehicles off to show everyone. That and my challenge piece that is utterly failing right now.. thankfully the title is Epic Fail.. so I think it will fit nicely :D
Enjoy the rest of the week, and just think that the weekend is right around the corner!!!!