Hi everyone

This month is unexpectedly turning into one dedicated to Beyond the Gates of Antares.  Well, to keep up the trend, today I am posting my finished unit of Algoryn AI Infiltrators - or as I call them 'the deadly ladies of the Clan of the White Arm'.

As you can see from the photo I departed slightly from the normal 'white arm' scheme, and went ahead and painted them green and violet brown.

I don't think they would have looked convincing as an infiltrator squad with glaringly obvious white armour parts.  I leave such paraphernalic paint schemes for the 'in your face' line troops.

Since I needed something to tie them into the army, I decided to paint their mag repeaters in the same colour as the rest of the troops. This way the gun colour gives the impression that they belong.

I am currently working on the plasma canon support unit, but in the meantime I have started assembling and cleaning up my last Algoryn unit.  They are a basic Algoryn AI squad. I had bought two extra figures to bring the unit up to seven, but now you can buy a basic box of these figures with seven minis already inside.

This will be my second AI unit and all my current Algoryn force will be painted up. Then I will concentrate on basing the whole army.

That is basically it for this week. Until net time, farewell and good health to all.
