Howdy folks!

This is easily my worst period without a post over here! Those of you who follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram know that I haven't been away from the brush, but my blog here has suffered. My computer crapped out on me late last year and I haven't been a fan of Blogspot on my phone, so the blog here has suffered!

I'm hoping to fix that this year, though I've been bad about it for the first 3 weeks of 2016! Here's a look at some of our latest projects before I neglected the blog!

A Saim-Hann group that'd make even the Bonesingers of Iyanden jealous!

Taking a stroll into the Horus Heresy with a Death Guard Praetor, his bodyguard, and their ride!

The start to my Adepticon Combat Patrol army. Only 17 models total, but its nice to play with some new techniques! All the bases are scratchbuilt as well!

Running a test scheme for a future for sale project of Space Marines. Despite the colors, I'm really enjoying them, and they should be very eye catching when done! Hoping for a full Battle Company!

Necron Deathmarks sneak up on Astartes Librarians! Part of a huge mish-mash commission completed in November!

And our most recent commission, consisting of 3 Crimson Hunters, 2 Warp Hunters, and 2 Hornets, all done in a variant Iyanden scheme. Client loved the flame effect on the Warlord Titan, so we opted to do it across all these vehicles! 

I'm hoping to keep up better on the blog, at least 2 posts a week, but in case I slip, you can follow us on FACEBOOKTWITTER, and Instagram (@SmellsLikeWargaming) and keep up with all our projects! I'm currently booked through July with some amazing projects coming up, as well as a trip to Adepticon in March, so its going to be a busy year!
