So first Beers with Peps article. This was one of the very first beers I tried after landing in Canada last year. Why this beer you may ask, well I was attracted to the can and the weird name. So when I saw a red elephant starring at me from the LCBO shelf, I just couldn't help myself. As you will see from this review, I mark it not with a score but instead with; Would I buy it again yes or no? 


Name: Dead Elephant IPA
Country: Canada, Ontario
Price: $2.85 CAD
ABV: 6.8%
IBU's: 46.6
Commercial Fluff:

"A full bodied golden Pale Ale which pours with a linen white medium density head leaving spider web lace on the glass. On the palate the flavour is sweet fruity malts up front (apricot, mango) with a bit of candy, and slight grassy notes which fall away to reveal a hint of biscuit with rather pleasant grapefruit and perfume undertones. This is a hop bomb, there is no doubt. To the nose there is a mild malt aroma which accentuates the robust floral bouquet which is derived from the hops"

Own Opinion

Sight: Dark Golden yellow, almost orange/amber in colour.
Aroma: Malts, biscuit, grass, slight tropical hints.
Taste: Mango, biscuit, dry, lingering bitterness.
Would I buy it again? No. Sadly it's just a bit too safe for me and lacked a lasting impression. I liked the flavours it had and if given again, I would be very happy. But with an ever increasing IPA selection on the shelves, I feel it would just get passed over. This is all about personal taste and for me I like a punch of flavour rather than a play it safe.

So have any of you tried it? Do you agree or better let disagree? Drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts.