Well one piece out of about 200+ done.  I've had this Warlord Games Roman Emperor for many years.  Even though I have a Roman army, I don't plan on keeping this model.

Fun model to paint, definitely inspired by Gladiator the movie, one of my favorite movies.  I think turned out well.  Its really one of the first times, I have painted purple and I think it turned out pretty good on the cape.  I plan on using it bit more often.  
I especially like the way the horse turned out.  This horse is one of the more fun horses to paint.  Below is a bit closer view of the model.
As I said at the opening, I don't plan to keep this model.  Its already up for auction on Ebay, just do a search for my sellers name in the search engine, Madhouse Workshop or click this link.

More to come.