3rd Turn - Chaos
Kenny's Soulgrinder arrives from reserve and deep strikes close by the Spawn with the two attached Sorcerers. Belakor (gliding) and the forward Maulerfiend both move straight towards my Black Knights stuck in combat with the Horrors while the lone unit of Spawn move towards BikeStar.

Kenny successfully casts Invisibility and Endurance on Belakor. Kenny also successfully casts Endurance on the lone unit of Spawn. He also attempts to Enfeeble BikeStar but it's denied.

The Maulerfiend needs 7" to make the charge into the Black Knights but fails even with the re roll for fleet. Belakor does make the charge but fluffs his hits and only manages to kill two of the Black Knights. The Black Knights finish off the last of the Horrors then successfully hit and run out of combat stranding the Daemon Prince.

Kenny fails to score the objective this turn.

3rd Turn - Ravenscar BikeStar
My Storm Giants biker squad arrives from reserve and line up so shots on rear armor versus the stranded Maulerfiend.

BikeStar moves up to engage the Spawn along with the full squad of Black Knights. The other squad of Black Knights move into cover to target Belakor.

I successfully cast Invisibility and Force on BikeStar.

The Black Knights in cover manage to strip one wound in the shooting phase from Belakor. BikeStar and the other squad of Black Knights shoot the Spawn dealing out a few unsaved wounds. The Storm Giants biker squad gets a single grav shot through on the Maulerfiend immobilizing it.

The Black Knights beside Belakor choose not to charge while BikeStar and the other squad of Black Knights charge the Spawn and finish them off. Both units consolidate towards Belakor.

I also am unable to score the objective this turn.

Chaos - 2 VP
BikeStar - 1 VP

4th Turn - Chaos
Kenny drops back with the remaining unit of Spawn with the two attached Sorcerers along with the mobile Maulerfiend and Soulgrinder. Belakor is ready to pounce on the Black Knights.

Kenny successfully casts Invisibility on Belakor but perils and loses another wound. He also attempts to shriek the Black Knights but they pass their leadership test. Kenny also attempts to cast Endurance on Belakor - I deny the first attempt and he fails the second attempt.

Belakor then charges the Black Knights whose Overwatch strips his third wound. Belakor strikes last since he's charging into terrain but takes no wounds - a couple Black Knights survive the onslaught then hit and run out of combat towards the other squad of cultists.

Kenny fails to score the objective this turn since he was unable to finish of the squad of Black Knights.

4th Turn - Ravenscar BikeStar
The Storm Giants biker squad maintain a safe distance from the Chaos Sorcerers. BikeStar and both squads of Black Knight squad move close into charge range of Belakor.

I successfully cast Invisibility and Prescience on BikeStar.

Shooting fails to kill Belakor but the prince goes down in the assault phase. All three biker units consolidate towards the cultists.

I also am unable to score the objective this turn.

Chaos - 2 VP
BikeStar - 1 VP

5th Turn - Chaos
Kenny has a quick turn moving and running the cultists away from my bikes.

5th Turn - Ravenscar BikeStar
The Storm Giants biker squad moves onto an objective while all three of the remaining biker squads move in towards the cultists.

I successfully cast Invisibility and Prescience on BikeStar.

I opt not to shoot since I need to destroy an enemy unit in the assault phase.

BikeStar needs 11" to reach the cultists... I roll a 1 and 6 picking up the one for re roll due to fleet from the Eagle Banner and up pops a 5 !!! The cultists are mowed down in short order in assault and I am able to score the objective this turn.

Chaos - 2 VP
BikeStar - 4 VP

Post Game Analysis
Both Kenny and I scored Line Breaker so the final score is a narrow victory for the Imperium 5 - 3.

I made one critical mistake the fourth turn and could have scored the objective but was solely focused on eliminating Belakor. If I had not made the 11" charge versus the cultists Kenny would have attempted to charge them into my BikeStar which could have won him the game depending how a sixth turn would have played out. As it turned out Kenny opted to concede after the fifth turn since his army cannot generate much if any significant shooting.

So it was a very close game and finally for once Lady Lucky was on my side. The Maulerfiend missing a 7" charge was a pivotal point in the game. Had it made the charge I still had some tricks up my sleeve as well.

Thorr lifts his power fist in a salute to his war party The forces of disorder were culled. The relic will be returned to the Imperium. There is much rejoicing !