Recently I picked up a few pots of Citadel technical paints from Games Workshop. I purchased the paints at a store in Las Vegas while I was on vacation. Later, when I got home, I opened each of the pots to inspect the paints and found that both the Armageddon Dust and Astrogranite texture paints were dried out. 

What I was left with were a couple of pots with rubbery lumps in them.

I had heard many positive comments about Games Workshop's customer service so I thought I'd contact them and see if they would be willing to replace my paints. I sent the above photo to their customer service department and quickly received a reply asking for my name and mailing address. That same day a replacement of each paint was mailed to my home free of charge.

It isn't often that you find companies willing to stand by their product. After hearing plenty of other positive stories I can now definitively say that GW upholds its commitment to quality customer service.