Space Wolves are coming!

There is always cause for Heresy players to look to what their 40K counterparts are up to!  Thanks to BoLS for this.

New Space Wolves Releases
  • Long Fangs (rebox)
  • Grey Hunters (rebox)
  • StormWolf Gunship (rebox)
  • Wulfen $60
  • Warzone Fenris: Mark of the Wulfen Campaign Book $74
  • Warzone Fenris: Mark of the Wulfen Campaign Book Collectors Edition $190
  • Space Wolf Art Book $50
  • Space Wolf Hard Cover Short Story Collection $27
  • Space Wolf Decal Sheet $20
Images via Scanner 2-1-2016

Space Wolf Art Book $50

 Space Wolf Hard Cover Short Story Collection $27

 New Space Wolves Decal Sheet $20

So check it out you Space Puppy players!
