Drinking one of the big players today. A Goose Island IPA (bottle). Hailing from Chicago, these guys are popular in Canada and can found in most bars, +Beer Store , LCBO's and grocery stores. This is a beer most Craft drinkers should have tried by now, it's even a beer most non-craft drinkers would of tried at least once. Now owned largely by a parent company (Anheuser-BuschInBev) and mass brewing in a new location, Goose Island IPA is still a beer to be enjoyed and experienced.


Name: IPA
Brewery: Goose Island Beer Company Goose Island Website
Price: $13.75 (Six Pack) CAD
ABV: 5.9%
Commercial Fluff:
"Our India Pale Ale recalls a time when ales shipped from England to India were highly hopped to preserve their distinct taste during the long journey. The result is a hop lover’s dream with a fruity aroma, set off by a dry malt middle, and long hop finish."
Own Opinion

Sight: A clear golden yellow with a slight orange tint.
Aroma: Full hoppy and citrus, grapefruit aromas.
Taste: Overall an easy drinking, floral, grapefruit bitterness with a dry finish.
Would I buy it again? Yes (which is lucky as it is the most common beer I've found).

As we all know Goose Island has been around for a long time. 25 years I believe. And they are properly, one of the most well known brewers out there. This is good news for us, as it means we get to enjoy this beer at a reasonable price and can find it quiet easily in most LCBO's and bars in Ontario. With it's smooth taste and bitter finish it is a great gateway beer for those new to IPA's or as a safe choice for those unsure of the other offerings. If you haven't had it, I recommend trying it to see how 25 years of brewing knowledge can create a great beer.

So have you tried it? Do you agree or better let disagree? Drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts.