The Fight for the Furious Abyss –

Each player should make a 1,000 point army list using ZM Combatant Force Organization Chart. This army will serve for both Zone Mortalis and non-Zone Mortalis missions with some restrictions:

-No tank models
-No models larger than 60mm base
-Rites of War may not be taken
-No relics outside legion/SA/Mechanicum specific relics may be taken as they’re meant more for campaign games.
-Be familiar with some of the rule sets dealing with Zone Mortalis. Some will be noted.

Univeral Rules:
Combat Squad (Zone Mortalis) – Any units purchased with 12 or more models may be broken up  into two smaller units of 5+ models and will remain that way for the duration of the game. They cannot be rejoined by the other half.

Mission Success – Regardless of points, if your enemy has no more models on the board at the beginning of any turn after reserve rolls, then you win!

Catastrophic Damage (Zone Mortalis) – For every turn after the first, when directed by the mission, should roll a D6 at the beginning of the turn. Add the results together and apply the results on the appropriate chart. Also, if any ordnance weapon has been used on the preceding turn add +1 to the total.

Large Walker Movement (Zone Mortalis) – Some places might seem to tight to fit a large model through, however, they can go through it. They treat the terrain when crossing a tight corner treat it as dangerous terrain. (2” corridors)

Bulkhead Doors – All bulkhead doors for purposes of these missions count as locked as both sides of any force are looking to gain control of the ship and the ships controls have been shut down. All doors and airlocks are treated as AV13 and are treated as having a single Hull Point. Any single glancing or penetrating hit will destroy the door. Or, if the player should choose, can hack the door with any given character model and can open the door on a roll of 5+. If the model has a servo arm then this roll is increased to a 4+.

Tight Corridors – All jump infantry that move more than 6” in the movement phase or assault phase must take a Dangerous terrain check each time.

Wrecked Walkers – Any wrecked walker or vehicle type model that fit the description above for models allowed in Zone Mortalis missions is treated as both difficult and dangerous terrain after it has been wrecked.

Deep Strikers – Only units that are able to materialize from the warp or are able to use teleporters may deep strike in Zone Mortalis. When deep striking and you suffer a Deep Strike mishap, you must subtract -1 to the result rolled on the chart.

Nowhere to Hide – If your unit is confined in a space and is not able to make a fallback move, that unit is automatically removed from the table. Due to the close quarters confined fighting within the map,  anywhere that a combat has taken place and the victor is determined, he/she may reroll sweeping advance rolls if they wish.

Reaction Fire – Much like overwatch, it is an improved method used to show being assaulted in the confines of space. All normal rules for firing overwatch are used, except for this. A unit being assaulted must first roll equal to or under its majority un-modified initiative score on a D6. If successful, it may fire its weapons at full BS. If failed, they may make a normal overwatch attack. Note, a unite may not use the counter attack special rule if it has used Reaction Fire.

Catastrophic Damage Table –

At the start of a player's turn, one of that player's previously
Destroyed units (if any) may enter into their reserves this
3, 4 or 5
All Clear
No Effect
6 or 7
Void Debris Field
Radioactive wrecakage from destroyed vessels blankets
the area in a dense cloud, limiting visibility and wrecking
havoc with targeting systems. For this game turn only, all
models have that BS reduced by -2 (to a minimum of 1).
In addition, all successful armor saves that rolled a "6"
must be re-rolled. Models with Hardened Armour or
Void Hardened Armour, an Armour value (AV), or a has a
save of 2+ may ignore this effect.
8 or 9
Hull Quake
This ship's hull bucks and shakes, and gravity fluctuates
wildly. All clear terrain is counted as difficult terrain for this
turn, and already existing difficult terrain is counted as
both difficult and dangerous terrain for this turn.
Internal Explosion
Deck plating buckles outward as internal systems vent
explosions and wreckage out into the void. Players take
turns placing D2+1 Large Blast templates on the table.
Players roll off to see who places first. Templates will
always scatter as normal. Any model caught under a
template suffers a S5 AP4 Pinning hit, for models with an
Armour Value will be hit on the rear.
Plasma Venting
Burning Plasma and violent electronic discharges arc
from structure to structure across the hull. Players take
turns placing D2 + 1 flamer templates with a small end
touching any structure or objective on the tabletop. Players
roll off to see who places first. Any model caught under a
template suffers a S5 AP4 Rending, Deflagurate hit.
Lance Strike
The battlefield is torn assunder as a nearby vessel's lance
weaponry strikes the area! Players take turns placing
D3 + 1 Large Blast templates on the table. Players roll off
to see who goes first. Templates always scatter 3D6 and
any model under a template suffers a S10 AP1, Pinning hit.

Zone Mortalis Mission 1 – Void Strike

Game Length – 5 turns
Rules follow ZM rules as stated previously with Catastrophic damage.

Deployment – Before the game begins, both sides should divide their forces into two roughly equal forces based on their number of models. They must then decide which of the two forces to be their spearhead and which will be their reserve. Win off will allow players to choose deployment for zone 1 or zone 4 leaving the other player to choose the other available.

Reserves – Due to the size of the furious abyss, all units in reserve gain the outflank special rule and may enter on the left or right side, following the rules for outflank.

Primary Objective – At the end of the game, each player receives 1 Victory point for each enemy unit that has been completely destroyed. Units that are falling back at the end of the game and units that are falling back at the end of the game and units that are not on the board at the end of the game count as destroyed for the purposes of this mission. Independent Characters are individual units for purposes of calculating VP’s.

Secondary Objective
Slay the Warlord
First Blood (Can be awarded to each player if they happen to achieve wiping out an enemy unit up to the end of the first turn, but can only be claimed once.)

Zone Mortalis Mission 2 – Wrecking Mission

Random Game Length (5 turns maximum)
Rules follow ZM rules as stated previously with Catastrophic Damage.

Deployment – Table Quarters
When deciding deployment, the player who wins the roll will select one table corner with the other taking the adjacent table quarter. Units placed in reserve follow the normal rules of reserves and may come on any edge on that players table quarter. Note, that they may not enter from reserves past the players primary table quarter unless they have outflank.

In this mission, any model with the Infantry type counts as scoring!

Primary Objective – At the beginning of the game, players will play 5 objectives around the board, 1 in each quarter and 1 in the center. These represent vital Augur Arrays with information on the ship. Players will be awarded 1 VP for each objective controlled at the end of the game, the center being worth 3 VP.

Secondary Objective
Slay the Warlord
First Blood (Can be awarded to each player if they happen to achieve wiping out an enemy unit up to the second turn, but can only be claimed once.)

Tertiary – Table Quarters
If a player has more units in any given table quarter, it is worth 2VP for each controlled quarter. If players tie in any quarter it is then worth nothing as no one has complete control of it.

Zone Mortalis Mission 3 – Wrecking Mission

Random Game Length (5 turns maximum)
Rules follow ZM rules as stated previously with Catastrophic Damage.

Deployment – Table Quarters
When deciding deployment, the player who wins the roll will select one table corner with the other taking the adjacent table quarter. Units placed in reserve follow the normal rules of reserves and may come on any edge on that players table quarter. Note, that they may not enter from reserves past the players primary table quarter unless they have outflank.

Primary Objective – At the beginning of the game, players will take turns placing 8 objects outside their deployment zones in the center(if possible, if not as close as possible) of each tile. These represent command consoles that need to be destroyed. Each one has a Toughness value of 6 and 3 wounds. Each one destroyed by a player is worth 1 VP to that player.

Secondary Objective – With control of the ship coming down to a few veteran fighters, each side is looking to take out others leaders to aim for complete control. Slaying any character model in a challenge confers 1 VP. If the warlord is slain in a challenge, this then confers 3 VP.

Tertiary Objective – Kill points.
Each unit slain is counted as 1 VP.

Zone Mortalis Final Mission – Killing Blow

Random Game Length (5 turns maximum)

Deployment – Table Halves
Normal rules for outflank and infiltrate apply.

Primary Objective – A single objective marker will be placed in the center of the table. This is an unguarded master control system for the ship. Controlling this will ensure your teams control of the ship. Controlling this objective will award 5 VP’s to the player. If the objective is contested, neither side gains VP’s due to no one being able to operate the computer system.

Secondary Objective – 2 Objectives will be placed outside the players deployment zones. These are important data tethers that are treated as relics. Each one a player controls is worth 1 VP. If the data tether is in the controlling players deployment zone and held by a unit, it is worth 2 VP.

Tertiary Objective

Slay the Warlord is worth 2 VP, Line Breaker is worth 1 VP, First Blood which can be awarded to both players and ends on the first turn is worth 1 VP.