It seems an age since we pledged for the Medieval version of Zombicide on Kickstarter. It's all due to arrive in the summer, but we did receive the starter box game just before Christmas. Needless to say I haven't done much more than open the lid and have a look at the models – another game gathering dust on the shelf.

Last night my friend Chris came round for our semi-regular game night. When mulling over which game to play my mind suddenly leaped back to the aforementioned Zombicide: Black Plague – perfect for both of us.

We were limited with time so we stuck to the intro mission whilst we acclimatised to the revised rules. It definitely feels like v2 of Zombicide, with lots of extra and tweaked rules that make things that little bit better. Even the intro game was more interesting.

Our first attempt had us constantly flipping Fatties during the zombie's go, not great when you don't have a strong enough weapon! I managed to find an enormous hammer that would do the business and it didn't take long to level up a couple of times. I ended the first intro game on 30 kills!!

Our second go at the intro game had Chris take the lead with the funky weapons, racing to his first level up before I had scored a single kill. This time the Fatties were in short supply (need to shuffle the deck better!) so we positively sailed through, though it helped that we knew what we were doing this time.

Loving this game and I have to say I think it's a definite improvement over the original. Everything about it just seems stepped up a level, from the command consoles to the new skills. We haven't even go to the whole Necromancer or Abomination bits yet.

Looking forward to a bigger game!