Legion Astartes Recon Team:

The Legion Astartes player can field up to one HQ and two squads.


The Genestealer player can field a force equal to the total points of the Legion Astartes Recon Team. The Genestealer force consists of up to one Tyranid Prime, one Lictor and multiple Genestealer broods. Each Genestealer broods can field a Broodlord.


The Artefact is placed at the center of the playing area (4' x 4') and is then scattered 2d6". If the Artefact scatters into impassable terrain it stops short just before entering.

Legion Astartes Recon Team:

The entire Legion Astartes Recon Team must be deployed at least 18" from the Artefact (including any infiltrating units). No units can be held in reserve.


The Genestealer force can deploy up to 12" from the Artefact (including any infiltrating units). The Tyranid Prime can join an infiltrating brood of Genestealers.


Legion Astartes Recon Team

Moving the Artefact

—Once a Legion Astartes unit reaches base contact with the Artefact the next turn they can move and run up to a total of 9" with it. The Artefact must remain in base contact with the Marine who first made base contact with it.
—Once a Legion Astartes unit is in possession of the Artefact the following turns they can pass it off to another friendly within 3" of the Artefact at the end of the movement phase. The unit newly possessing the Artefact can then move with it starting the next turn. The Artefact must remain in base contact with the Marine who receives it from the original squad and must be within 3" of it when the Artefact is passed off.


—If the Legion Astartes unit in possession of the Artefact rolls a 1 for their run move they drop it and lose possession. Move the Artefact 3" towards the closest Tyranid unit.
—If the Legion unit in possession of the Artefact is pinned or goes to ground they cannot pass it off to another friendly unit.
—If a Legion Astartes unit possessing the Artefact breaks then they drop it at the point where they start to break.

The objective for the Legion Astartes Recon Team is to move the Artefact off any board edge which counts as moving it off the Space Hulk.


—Tyranid units cannot move the Artefact.

The objective for the Tyranids is to prevent the Legion Astartes Recon Team from removing the Artefact from the Space Hulk. If the entire Legion Astartes Recon Team is wiped out this objective is also achieved.

Number of Game Turns:

—The Legion Astartes player has up to four turns to reach base contact with the Artefact. The game ends if they fail to do so and the Tyranids win.
—Once a Legion Astartes unit has reached base contact with the Artefact the Legion Astartes player has five turns to move the Artefact off the Space Hulk starting their next turn. If they do so they win... Otherwise the Tyranids win.

Special Rules:

—A Legion Astartes unit in possession of the Artefact can snap fire at a fixed ballistic skill of 2 during either their movement or shooting phase when they run.

—The Artefact is a relic from the Dark Age of Technology and intermittently emits radioactive gas with various affects:

•Each player turn a Legion Astartes unit is in possession of the Artefact roll 2d6 at the start of the movement phase - on a roll of 4 or less then one randomly selected member of the unit succumbs to the radioactivity and is removed from play. On a roll of 2 then two randomly selected members of the unit are removed from play. Characters can Look Out Sir this effect. No saves of any kind are allowed but Feel No Pain is in play. If the Marine carrying the Artefact succumbs then the it is fumbled - refer to the first rule in the pertaining section above.

•Each player turn a Legion Astartes unit is in possession of the Artefact roll 2d6 at the start of the shooting phase - on a roll of 10 or higher they can run an additional 3" but cannot elect to shoot that turn.

•Tyranid units are Shrouded at the start of the game and then until they move. Their best cover save can never be better than a 4++.

•The first destroyed Tyranid unit is placed into Ongoing Reserves on a roll of 4+ on 1d6. This unit can re enter play from any board edge their next turn. After this no Tyranid unit can do so again.

•Tyranid units can run up to 3" on 1d3 and charge a Legion Astartes unit in possession of the Artefact - this counts as a disordered assault.