Sky Relics: The Grand Painting Contest

Greetings Wargamers and Hobbyists, and welcome to the skies of Targus…

I have always been a fan of the sci-fi ‘space ship’ genre of game. A few weeks ago, I was one of a few lucky gamers who received a rather exciting parcel in the post: a set of resin ship miniatures, sent to me by the guys over at Sky Relics, for me to paint for their upcoming painting contest!

Sky Relics is a game that is currently under development, and as part of the Team’s drive to engage with the gaming community, and to generate some images of ships painted by members of the gaming community, several gamers and bloggers from across multiple continents were sent three Valdian vessels, three Outcast vessels, a Relic Golem, and an additional Valdian ship to practice on which came from their ‘miscast’ box.

Continue reading Sky Relics: The Grand Painting Contest at Creative Twilight.