24 Strong. I have plenty of command models from my older stuff, so this basically all troops with a Centurion, my newest veteran unit. The Movement tray was something that I wanted to do since doing things like that for my Viking units.
I think the front rank turned out pretty awesome.
The second rank has good detail and a good dynamic going on, having mixed in some of Warlord Games' metal EIRs.
Above and below are some detail shots of the hapless barbarians. The capes on the romans are actually stolen from the Fireforge Teutonic Knights kit.
The blood pools are high gloss, using a clear red Tamiya paint after my few coats of dullcote.
Yea even a Roman has fallen.
Really like the side shot.
In the back, I did not let up on the painting detail.
I see, I need to touch up the back of the movement tray a little bit.
So more detail shots of the below.
Some of the heads are Praetorians with the crest holes filled, some are from the barbarian ranks with Roman helmets.
There you have it, my newest Early Imperial Roman unit. I plan to do a few more Roman pieces to replace the models that I sold off.
Finished Painting the Roman Unit
by PsychosisPC | Feb 13, 2016