Hi everyone,

Well, as my Algoryn project nears completion, I thought I might write up a post on how I based them.

I waited until all my army as painted before I started basing them.  I did this intentionally because I wanted a homogeneous look to them.

I started by selecting the materials.  These were a fine sand and a fine gravel product I bought from a gardening shop. I mixed these together in a 3 parts sand to 1 part fine gravel and added some small stones.

The net step was to glue this mixture into place with some watered down white glue.  At this stage it is important not to get any glue on the models. Before the glue dries, sprinkle the mixture over the base and tap it gently to remove the excess. Then let it dry for a couple of hours.
When the sand and gravel have dried, it is time to give it a good paint wash.  At this stage you can use any type of paint.  I prefer to use diluted oils because it runs better and I have a lot of it.  To give you an example, with less than a centimetre of diluted pigment I based over 45 figure bases.
Once again let the paint dry properly, preferably over night.  In the case of oils, leave it for two days and work on something else.  When thoroughly dry it is time to dry-brush.

I dry-brushed these bases with two tones; a light beige and then an off-white.  This can vary according to taste and colour.  After your models are all dry-brushed it is time to add the grass/tufts/flock or whatever else you come up with.

I used some old GW tufts I had laying around.  I diversified them a bit by giving them different brown washes then glued them into place with white glue.

And viola! A nice and presentable force painted up to tabletop standard and ready to kick ass or get a good ass kicking instead.

Once again I come to the end of another blog post for the week.  Next week I will continue to talk about the Algoryn, so tune in if your interested.

In the meantime, farewell and good health.
