I ran a 30k Zone Mortalis event today and was the ringer. We had a total of six players including myself...

Adeptus Mechancium
Night Lords
Sons of Horus
World Eaters

I brought Tyranids for fun and setup a special table for them that fit the theme. In case you don't know Zone Mortalis missions take place inside of space ships and are considered as boarding actions which are perfect for Tyranids. Armies were restricted to only being able to field infantry and walkers.

Here is a link to the missions:


Here's my army list:

+++ Tyranids • Zone Mortalis (996) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ HQ (325) +

Deathleaper (130)
Flesh Hooks - Rending Claws - Scything Talons

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Tyranid Prime (195) - Warlord
Adrenal Glands - Flesh Hooks - Scything Talons - The Maw-claws of Thyrax - The Ymgarl Factor

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

+ Elites (85) +

Malanthrope Brood (85)

Unit Type: Infantry

+ Troops (586) +

Genestealer Brood (226)
Broodlord [Psyker (Mastery Level 1)
Rending Claws - Scything Talons

9x Genestealer
Rending Claws - Scything Talons

Broodlord: Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Unit Type: Infantry

Genestealer Brood (226)
Broodlord [Psyker (Mastery Level 1)
Rending Claws - Scything Talons

9x Genestealer
Rending Claws - Scything Talons

Broodlord: Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Unit Type: Infantry

Genestealer Brood (134)
9x Genestealer - 9xRending Claws 2x Scything Talons

Unit Type: Infantry

Two battle reports to follow versus World Eaters then Salamanders !