Quick post today: events & inspiring projects!

Yes, life is still crazy busy but there's light at the end of the tunnel (I think...). My man cave has been going through some massive reorganization which started around the holidays and is now about 80% complete. So that's something! As boring as that sounds it's a completely necessary thing from time to time. An orderly hobby zone could be the trick to get me out of my hobby funk, and if nothing else it will be one less obstacle toward that goal.

Phil's first GT of 2016, Hammer In The New Year, is well underway at this point and if it's anything like the other events Phil organizes & runs, it's sure to be hit! I'll be heading out that way shortly to spectate, snap some photos, and catch up with friends. Should be a good time, and I'm already jealous for whoever walks away with that top prize ;)

Speaking of GT's, NOVA 2016 is selling out faster than ever so if you're planning to attend don't delay. A lot of the big events seem to be surging in popularity, which is a great thing for the hobby/gaming community. Only downside is, like Adepticon, things sell out quickly so you have to be on it when ticket sales go live.

At the time of this posting, there are still 10 days remaining to jump on board and back this most excellent kickstarter. I'm already deliberating what to select with my options as all of this terrain looks amazing! For more information, check out Todd's blog and the Black Maria Designs site.

Then finally, I leave you with two inspiring projects that you may have already seen, but just in case... The first is from ThirdEyeNuke over at Tale of Painters:
just, wow!

And this second project I've been following for a little while now, so if you haven't seen this yet I encourage you to go back through and follow the progression of this amazingly creative project brought to us by NafNaf from Objective Secured:

This is easily the most thematic army of Dark Eldar I've ever seen. Such a genius idea for the dark kin and flawlessly executed by NafNaf -- fun and fitting theme/fluff, beautiful and inventive conversions, bright paint scheme, what's not to love!?! This project is seriously firing on all cylinders and I can't wait to see the full army come together! Well done and keep up the inspiring work, NafNaf!

That's all for now. I'll try to post some pics from the Hammer GT this weekend. Cheers!