Quick post today!

We've been finishing up a bangload of terrain this month, and I've not showcased some of the more recent pieces we've added to the collection.  Today I want to talk about Games Workshop's Arcane Ruins!  We got these painted and on the table several weeks ago, and they've been a really neat addition to our games.

Currently priced at $29.75 USD, the Arcane Ruins are available in GW's webstore.  We got these several months ago, but I'm a snail when it comes to completing projects.  Usually I have what seems like thirty projects going on at once, and they all seem to complete around the same time - six months later.  However, after I'd glued the columns and skull-face blocks together it sat around in it's box, for months.  That's when the vivacious Miss Foley found them and declared she was going to paint them for us.

After a quick examination of the paint job on the box, she painted in the club's Brown World scheme!  Behold the Ruinous Temple!  She did a great job on the layering and shading, even if my neglecting to Green Stuff those seams did leave a few of them visible.  That's my fault though - I should have noticed that but somehow it got away from me.  Working too fast on too many things, but hey, I'm working to narrow my focus.  Oh well, it's not so bad - and I didn't even have to work hard for it!

We didn't glue the pillars to the base, so each piece can actually be used on it's own.  The arches are great across roads and other conspicuous places to place arches, and the individual pieces make great scatter terrain.  So the whole thing comes apart and has already been used liberally to help create some interesting battlefields.

Definitely recommended for your battlefields. Remember we are starting AD&D this week at 3 p.m., so make sure to get there early to get in on some interesting conversation and exciting, riveting, action-packed dungeon delving!