Hi All,

So today is old stuff day a brainchild of the Warhammer 39,999 blog but to be honest I picked it up from Dave on Confessions of a 40k adict.  The idea is today we celebrate the old but good posts of our blog and others.  Code40k blog has been going for over 6 years now so there is quite a lot to choose from!  The authorship over the blog has changed over the years with the only constant being me!

So to be self indulgent I thought I would start with my favourite post of my own:

Well I say my own it was actually a collaborative affair with Trevdog and was a write up for the first game of our narrative campaign. The photos, story and the fact it is simply different to the run of mill post make it my favourite blog post to date.  Check it out here.

As way of the preview here is a down the road shot:

Ok, another clear favourite of mine is hypasists series on converting an entire ork Kan army!  They were sublimely crazy as befits a mek of such skill!  Check out the Kans here.

Over the years I have read and enjoyed many blogs so I want to shout a few amazing posts below:

Guardsmen Guide To Glory - Completed Warhound - not that old but absolutely immense!

Realm of Warhammer 40K - Dale has moved on to new things now at Pork Chop Gaming but his blog still has a ton of useful tutorials and tips.  Dale is good at the old IT and did some neat tricks including this 360 spinning showcase here.

Recalcitrant Daze - Rictus completed the best re working of the realm of battle board I have seen! Check out this part 9 post.

Confessions of a 40K Adict - The king of nids and lover of terrain!  I love the bright colour scheme Dave uses and particularly like this alternative living defence line check it out here

Hope you like my old stuff day post.  Please comment, share and like below!


DOC out