As promised, here are the rest of the Blood Rage pieces from my recent commission. Above are the Gods of Asgard. From left to right: Odin, Heimdall, Frigga, Thor, Loki, and Tyr. All are very cool sculpts with great character.

The smaller 'monsters'; zombies, dwarves, valkyrie, and dark elves.

The Trolls!

The Wolfman and Fenrir.

The Mountain Giant and Ice Giant.

And finally, I'm not at all sure what the crazy creature is on the left (with a very gorilla-like body), but it is definitely a wonderful sculpt! And, of course, the Sea Monster on the right is very cool.

Update: It is indeed Surtr on the left, with his flaming sword who will fight the gods and engulf the world in flames during Ragnarok. On the right is Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, who is so large he encircles Midgard. He has a particular emnity with Thor that will eventually result in their mutual demise.