John here with the next installment of Brews Review. This time it's turn of a Beaus' All Natural beer. The only time before now I've mentioned Beaus, was when I wrote about the Atomic Rooster take over (link). Which is strange as I've drunk a lot of beaus and these guys are hugely popular in the Ottawa area. They produce a great range of beers all year round and have loads of seasonal ones too. They are a brand that are pushing boundaries without losing consistency or quality. They also know how to throw a party!

More on these parties in the future, but now to the beer.


Name: Nordic Kissmeyer Pale Ale
Brewery: Beaus All Natural Brewing Co. (Website)
Country: Canada (Ontario)
Price: $5.25 600ml bottle
ABV: 5.6%

Commercial Fluff:
Kissmeyer Nordic Pale Ale is an imaginative interpretation of the Pale Ale style and features a single northern-inspired medley of ingredients. Sweet Gale, Yarrow, Heather Dried Flowers, Rose Hips, and Cranberries understood balanced ict fruit-and-herb bouquet, while a Maple-Syrup addition rounds out the complex character of the beer. The Nordic pale ale features intricate herbal nuance, moderate hop presence, pleasant dryness, and a crisp finish. A one-man gypsy brewing company, Kissmeyer Beer Creates innovative beers with a distinct and unique personal character, brewed to an exemplary degree of technical quality, inspired by and in cooperation Often brewed with world-class brewer friends and colleagues. Nordic Pale Ale is a pioneering style for Kissmeyer, Intended to fuse the best in modern technology brewing with ingredients That Reflect Nordic and Canadian traditions.
Own Opinion

Sight: Pours a clear golden orange and is topped with a nice crisp white head.
Aroma: Get a nice fruity hit of peach and mango, combined with some yeasty bread towards the end.
Taste: This is when the mentioned herbs come through on the tastebuds. Also get a nice pleasant hit of pine/resin notes. 
Would I buy it again? Yes. Overall Kissmeyer is a easy drinking pale ale, due to the light bitter finish. Making it a very pleasant, mid range strength pale ale. I've been lucky enough to have enjoyed it on draught and from the bottle and the quality from both was of high consistency and out standing in flavour.

So what Beaus' beers have you tried? Would love to hear your thoughts on this brewery. Drop me a comment below and let me know your thoughts.