Time for another new section: Recipes!
For the most part this will fall under the blanket of Beers with Peps and can be found on that page. The plan is I will start sharing some of my favourite Recipes, that I've been playing around with. These aren't original in way, but each will have a slight different twist to them (normally beer related). So lets kick off with the poster child above. 

Drunken Raisin, butterscotch and Oat Cookies. 

Total Time: 30 minutes
Prep: 15 minutes
Baking: 10-15 minutes (depending on how good your cooker is)

Ingredients (makes 36 cookies)

Measurements given in Grams and Cups

Dry Ingredients Whisk together and place to one side
2 Cups/ 156 grams ------ All Purpose Flour
1 Teaspoon --------------- Baking Powder
1 Teaspoon --------------- Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon --------------- Salt

Cream wet ingredients
1 Cup/227 grams -------- Unsalted Butter, softened 
1 Cup/220 grams -------- Brown Sugar, firmly packed
1/2/100 grams ----------- Cup White Sugar
1/2 Cup/170 grams ----- Golden Syrup
2 --------------------------- Large Eggs
2 Teaspoons ------------- Vanilla

Then Stir in
3 Cups/255 grams ------- Oats (Not Instant oats)
1 Cup/150 grams -------- Raisins (either normal or pre-soaked in rum/whisky)
1/2 Cup/75 grams ------- Butterscotch/Dark Chocolate bits (or do half again of the raisins)


Step 1) If you want Drunken Raisins (why would you not?) Then pre-soak them in booze over night. This helps the raisins absorb the flavour. 

Step 2) Preheat oven to 350°F/180°c.

Step 3) Whisk dry ingredients: set aside.

Step 4) Combine wet ingredients with a hand mixer on low. To cream, increase speed to high and beat until fluffy and the colour lightens. It won't get too light due to the Golden Syrup but you will notice a difference.

Step 5) Stir the dry flour mixture into the creamed mixture until no flour is visible. Note: Over mixing develops the gluten, making a tough cookie, so take it easy. Now add your oats, raisins and butterscotch. Stir all together to incorporate. If it looks to wet add some more oats.

Step 6) Scoop dough with spoons and drop two inches apart onto baking sheet. Drop 2-inches apart onto baking sheet sprayed with nonstick spray.

Step 7) Bake 11-15 minutes on center rack, until golden. It will still be quiet soft but have cracks on top. At this stage if they have spread out flat, that means they are too wet. No worries just add more oats.

Step 8) Remove from oven: let cookies sit on baking sheet for two minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.

Step 9) Enjoy with a rich chocolate stout like Evil Twins Biscotti Break or BTP Milkshake. Warning these combinations many cause Pure Win! 

If you make these me drop me a comment below or better let sent me a picture on Twitter @JohnPepsDay or Instagram @johnpepsday.

Thanks for reading and Enjoy