I am using these for my "Mosque", but they can work in any building. Find yourself an old transparent CD case, then get yourself a sharp knife, a ruler, some pliers and some strong glue (I used Evo-Stik Impact; having experimented with superglue and drawn a blank). It is usually easiest to trim the raised bits off the CD case, so you have a nice, flat piece of plastic. Measure how much plastic you need to cover your window area. If you have several windows to cover, you may find it easier, as I have here, to cut one big piece for them all. Check your plastic is flat by carefully running the edge of your blade around the perimeter of your piece. Do be careful. Apply glue to the model, and lower the glass onto it. Take care not to get glue onto your window. Weigh it down and wait for the glue to dry. Note that I intend to apply some printed paper to the inside of the window panes, simulating leaded glass. If you're going to have open windows, be sure to have something inside to look at. If you are going to make the interior accessible, then you should also hide the window mounting. I may do a further tutorial on that, but not today.