So a few updates and announcements in what will otherwise be a brief post (well, as brief as my usually verbose self can be).  Currently we are only 10 weeks from Adepticon and I've been painting like mad to finish off my Skaven army for the Fantasy Championships.  So I'll present an update on everything I've painted to date (with new additions).  Additionally I've made a few purchases in preparation for both pre- and post-Adepticon.  So we will take a look at those.  Lastly, I'll make a few brief announcements concerning future content, the blog, and a few other topics.  After the break!

First up my Skaven army for Adepticon.  I recently "finished" the next unit in my Skaven army, a unit of clanrats.  Now, they aren't 100% where I want them, but considering everything I have left to paint, they are good enough for now.  I plan to revisit the Skaven after Adepticon and finish them properly as they are my current favorite army for any game system.  So let's take a look at my Clanrats and my breakout of what I like, don't like, and what I will work on after Adepticon.  Note, I'm painting most command models all at once, hence why this unit is missing the command.

So what do I like?

  • The colors are spot on to what I envisioned.
  • The depth of the wooden shields.
  • I figured out a number of time-conserving methods while painting these.
What do I not like?
  • This is a personal preference that I'll caveat by saying the models look fine given that I will remove them using a shovel when actually playing, but I really hate doing just three layers on each color.
  • Next time, no plastic glue to glue them onto the bases.  It melts their tiny feet to look like blobs sometimes.
What will I work on after Adepticon?
  • Cleaning up the tails for a little more depth.
  • Skaven runes on the shields
  • More layers on the metals
Next, as I mentioned in a prior post, my wife and I are expecting in May/June and I'm hoping to shift over to games that require smaller model counts during this time.  I fully expect to get back into Warhammer 40k and continue with Fantasy, but with a baby around my time will be almost non-existent so I want fewer models to deal with.  Well, I had a few leftover giftcards from Christmas and so I made an order from TheWarStore.  You can see most of the results below.

The above picture is missing one item that I ordered, the Campaign Paradiso book for Infinity.  , Before anyone jumps to conclusions about TheWarStore, I've ordered from them for about 5 years and this is literally the first time I've ever had an issue.  Also, a simple e-mail and the problem is already being resolved to my satisfaction.

So most of my purchase revolved around Infinity.  I really like this game (despite the poor translation).  It plays fast even at high point levels, the models look cool, and it is a much more tactical game than other systems out there.  I currently have a Nomad army already but I want to build up a Haqqislam army so that friends can try the game out without purchasing any models (the rules are already free).

Also I picked up the latest Malifaux book.  Currently I have three crews (Rasputina, Collette, and Lady Justice) but this book added the Ten Thunders which I've always enjoyed reading about.  Solid investment.

Moving on I finally picked up the Field of Glory support books that actually contain the army lists for the various eras I expect to play.  This will allow me to plan out my 15mm historical selection.  I probably won't purchase anything until after I paint my Infinity battlegroups and my Rasputina crew though.

I picked up one of the GW game tables.  I have always loved them.  I plan to buy more tiles (the flat ones) later this year as I really don't like so many hills.

Lastly, I purchased the Dropzone Commander rulebook.  This game came out last year by Hawk Wargames and I was instantly hooked due to the scale and subject matter.  At the time of its release though I didn't have the money to invest.  It reminds me of Epic Space Marine meets Mass Effect. I can't wait to get into this game.  However, I probably won't become very involved until I start on the historical games.  That way I can paint two similarly scaled games together.

Okay, Lastly, announcements...
  • Because of my tight painting schedule between now and Adepticon and my impending baby that I am still prepping for, don't expect many substantive posts between now and mid-April.  I plan to post updates based on finished Skaven models/units, but probably not much else.
  • I'm hoping to have a big set of Auction up in April - information will be forthcoming.
I guess that's all for now.  Currently I'm working on plague monks and I don't expect these will take as long as the clanrats.  At least, I hope not.  SO hopefully I'll be back here in a week or so with some finished plague monks!