Hello Readers, so I saw the above from BoLs (originally peeked Barnstable Slayers FB page) and want to share what it is based on. Soon it will be the 30th Anniversary of the humble Space Marine. I have an Original LE2 Imperial Marine, note not a Space Marine, that prefix change came later! 
Here is the ORIGINAL (Space) Marine from all those years ago, I have the original Hexagon Base too, plus an LE1 which was a Space Ork with double barreled Shoota. He was also later released in 1991 as Space Marine with Bolter 5, seen here on Stuff of Legends website.
As you can see, GW has stayed true to the Original but updated and up-scaled it to the 32mm base and modern Marine sizes. Good stuff, I will definitely be getting one!

Hope you liked this trip down memory lane.