Nick speaking,

Here is my updated Saim Hann list with my newly painted War Walkers in it. I haven't had the new Eldar Codex that long, and so far I have only been playing an adapted list from the old Codex, so fitting them into my Saim Hann themed list was quite easy. I was maxed out with Holo-Fields in my previous list and dropping all those fields gave me a good amount of points to play with. Really happy with the changes I have made, but of course I am still experimenting.

IDIC Hann V1 (1850pts)

1 x IDIC Farseer/Jetbike  (115)
5 x IDIC Warlock Conclave (250)

6 x IDIC Windrider Jetbikes/SL (162)
6 x IDIC Windrider Jetbikes/ SL (162)
10 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/PW+Shield/Serpent/SL/SC/Stone/Vectored (310)

2 x IDIC Vypers SL/SC/ (120)
2 x IDIC Vypers SL/SC/ (120)
1 x IDIC Crimson Hunter Exarch (160)

3 x IDIC War Walkers/SL (180)
2 x IDIC Fire Prism/Stone(270)

Points 1849

Battle report coming soon!