Ok, so after six long and occasionally grueling months the Warlord Titan (Domitor Fortis of the Legio Crucius) is now ready to walk!

Last night at AdeptiCon, I was able to reveal the Warlord to my assembled Liber Titanitcus class. There was a lot of chat about how I built the beast, anecdotes about the trials and tribulations, and quite a few very good questions along the way.

I'm very happy with the result, and at the same time I know there are a few things I can do to improve  it. These stages will be applied at a later date (and I'll put together a video once they're done).

Domitor Fortis stands ready, alongside Primaris Secutar.

The Titan Transport.

The Titans, and many other items, all packed for the show.

My thanks to Mel Bose and Ash Barker for their advice and support along the way in this YouTube build endeavor.

My thanks to my patrons on Patreon for their belief in the value of hobby content.

My thanks to everyone who has followed along and offered their support and comments along the way.

My thanks to Duane, Jake, and Murph for schlepping that enormous crate from Baltimore to Chicago : )
