I did this team of good guys as a commission for a friend. Not really official, but it remembers the old Blood Bowl times when you could make a team out of different races as long as they were good-neutral or evil-neutral.

"Good Guys" team

Nbr.   position               cost        M   S  AG  AV       skills
0-16  Human lineman   50.000    6    3    3     8
0-2    Human blitzer      90.000    6    3    3     8        Block
0-6    Dwarf blocker      70.000    4    3    2     9        Block, Tackle, Thick skull
0-16  Elf lineman          60.000    6    3    4     7
0-2    Elf thrower          70.000     6    3    4    7         Pass

Reroll counter : 70.000