Another day another Brews Review, this time it's an English brewery (back to the homeland). I was surprised to find this beer in the local LCBO and would be interested to know how they pick their selections, is it completely random or some actual thought put in it. A quick background search of the word Ninkasi show us that Ninkasi was a Sumerian Goddess of Beer (link), which is pretty cool.


Name: Ninkasi
Style: Belgian Style Saison
Brewery: Wild Beer Co. (website)
Country: Mallet, England.
Price: $11.65 - 750ml bottle
ABV: 9%
Commercial Fluff:
"Bubbles + Apples + Wild Yeast.Named after the ancient Greek goddess of beer, this is an equally divine Belgian-style saison with a copious amount of New Zealand hops, freshly harvested Somerset apple juice and wild yeast added to the mix. However, we like to take things just that bit further (it’s the Wild way!) — once bottled the beer undergoes a secondary fermentation with champagne yeast, giving it a brisk spritziness on the tongue. Serve chilled in a champagne flute to allow the bouquet of playfully aromatic notes to be fully appreciated. Take a sip to enjoy a further cascade of striking and sensuous flavours alongside the carefree champagne-like spritziness. The long, dry finish is both refreshing and complex."
Own Opinion

Sight: Once you finally get through the wax cover (a real pain in the arse), you are greeted by a lively beast of a beer! Pours out as a hazy yellow beer with a great thick white head.
Aroma: Citrus hops pop straight away for me, definitely orange, passion fruit and melon. There is also a heavy hint of yeast and malt in there too. Smells great.
Taste: Apples. My brain is telling me I'm drinking a cider. There are peppery notes, apples and yeast which lead to a tart dry finish. And somehow I've lost the bubbles, must of escaped into the head, which is still going strong.
Would I buy it again? No.

Sadly for me this Wild Beer Co beverage is going on the ignore list. I found the flavour profile, to be all wrong for me. To much like a cider than a beer and I didn't want to even finish it. I fear I am most likely missing the point of Ninkasi and most likely not their target audience. If that is case drop me a comment below and explain what I'm missing.

It was great to find and try out a beer like this, but I would not buy it again.