Since I had a lot of the fluorescent paints out for other projects, I kept adding more and more to this guy!  This kind of color scheme made the LOTR Army of the Dead one of my favorite miniatures sets to paint.

It's made even easier now by many new products, and an updated approach in terms of technique.

The stained, rusty dirt effects were made infinitely easier by creating them with the Vallejo Game Color Flesh Wash.  This particular glazing color has that "sedementary" effect which you have heard me mention over and over.

It was a massive advantage here, as it settled right into the areas where I needed it.  The natural translucency meant that it would not completely bury all the brighter fluorescent paints from earlier layers.

I really love these guys... and I think I will have to do something similar with a more "regular" fantasy style army.

He's also here: