Details are being leaked on the new Primarchs editions from The Black Library

First some photos: 

And there is this....

Q&A With David Annandale from The Black Library:

BL: What can you tell us about Lord of Ultramar?

DA: Roboute Guilliman is a brilliant strategist and tactician, and someone who thinks deeply about history, philosophy, and the ways by which civilisation can prosper. But his extraordinary mind also sets him apart somewhat even from other Space Marines. And so he may not understand human nature and its irrationalities anywhere near as well as he understands battlefield manoeuvres.

BL: For fans of the Horus Heresy novels, what differences can we expect from this series?

DA: Apart from the fact that the primarch himself takes centre stage, this story takes place before the events of the Horus Heresy. So this is a chance to see Guilliman at the height of Ultramar's glory, and when everything seemed possible for the Imperium. This isn't to say, of course, that there aren't warning signs of the tragedy to come.

BL: This is just the first book in a series of 18 – is there another primarch you'd love to write about?

DA: Oh my goodness, so many to choose from. If I settle on, say, Perturabo, I remind myself about how interesting Fulgrim is, and so on. Frankly, any of them would be a lot of fun to write. But if I absolutely had to make a choice right now, I might say Mortarion. But ask me again in 10 minutes and I might have a different answer.

I for one am very excited about this series.  Love the Primarchs and their back stories make everything better!
