April 17th, 6:30pm

From the Journal of Josephine Maxwell
January 24th, 1876

Further down into the cave, Juan and I find a man on collapsed in the white light of a glowing floor that was glassy smooth.  There was a floating cube that seemed to have changing lighted marks on its' faces.

Juan grabbed the cube, and the lights went off.  The man was able to get off the floor, and he wanted to go further into the cave.  He could barely walk, so we moved to take him.

On the way we find two of the shiny meta creatures, and they tried to stop us.  Juan shot them.

We headed further into the cave and the rest of the group came to join us and decided to help the man as well.

We followed the man down the cavern and found a silver disk that was very large.  The man went ito it after it opened into stairs.  We followed to see the white light inside the thing.  He turned the light red, and then signaled that we should go.

Jakey Wales, the Sheriff and John Skinner left the cave.  We followed the man further into the cave into a stream.  We follow him out, wading through the stream.  We find a lit grotto with a large, glowing stone.  The man turned into an orb and went into the stone.

The Red Band were there, all around the stone.  White Hawk as well.  He told us the little men were corrupted by the Snake Brothers, and made to follow their commands instead of those issued by the Ancient Ones.

White Hawk helped us find our way back to town.  It took over five hours.  We decided to have dinner, all together.  We had a rather uneventful night.


January 25th, 1876

A child came to tell me that Ms. Holmes wanted to talk with me.  She gave me a check for $10,000 and said she wanted to both renew my contact and make the paper more successful.

Later that morning, we ride out to check on the tree.  It was growing and green.

Late that evening a knock on the door at the sheriff's office brings Bass Reeves and two men he had captive.  He said that a band of men may be following.