Hi guys!

Today I am sharing recent video uploads from my Youtube channel.  First I have my full HD How to Paint Khador part one.  This is from my Jawaballs Way video series and I walk you through painting a Khador Technician in real time.  Enjoy part one!

And second I have my newest Video Log or VLOG.  I am trying to do these weekly, just talking about my thoughts on gaming and painting and life in general.  This time I talk about an upcoming doubles tournament with Fritz, and the bell curve of types of players you can expect to encounter at a tournament.

Coming soon!

My first battle report in about two years. On June 4 I am getting together to play 40k with Fritz in a Highlander doubles tournament.  With life taking over, we have not had much time to connect lately so this is going to be a fantastic reunion of sorts.  Expect to see full batreps of our games, plus tactical breakdowns. I have not been this excited about 40k in a long time!

On the painting table I currently have my Tyranids still.  Gaunts, Hive Tyrant, Gargoyles, Tervigon, Dimaerichon, and a very big special surprise.

More to come!
