Raging Heroes makes beautiful stuff!

Of course it is tiny... as a friend of mine recently said... "These things are smaller than your thumb!"

But that isn't always the case.

During the Toughest Girls in the Galaxy I (TGG1) Kickstarter several models, primarily the mascots and the freedom fighter, had larger versions available.

 Here is Harry the Baby Hippo!  Jailbirds mascot.

Shown here compared to Punky and to the Kurganova (KST) mascot Charlie.  Charlie is not intimidated... really!

 The model was pretty easy on cleaning, although that is not always the case with the larger models... I just think Harry is a forgiving sculpt in that regard.

The base was worked up with white pumice.  I think I prefer it to gray pumice because it seems to be more adhesive.  The gray stuff is difficult to place whereas the white was actually a bit sticky.

 In this scale the model really sings.  It already was cute and filled with a mischievous personality but now more details could be worked in... like the cans of ZoT!  in two sizes.. ZoT xxx and ZoT xXx Magnum!

In the small versions of Harry I saw these as beer cans being delivered but at this scale Harry seems to be collecting the cans for recycling... as they are all popped open...

In the field I think these are more likely to be energy drinks than beer so they are filled with a radioactive green color liquid!

 Harry is a favorite of the Lulus and can often be seen toting stuffed toys and colorful buttons or badges for their amusement.

In this scale the buttons have plenty of space for designs or even lettering.

 The base also sports an old pipe with some flowers growing out of it... the pipe being a bit of brass tube and the flowers from Army Painter Meadow Flowers.

 A fun bunch of buttons and toys and the ubiquitous ZoT xxx!

 Also in the larger scale, not the same larger scale, is Raven the Chainbreaker the Jailbirds Freedom Fighter.

I'm going to do these two at the same time in hope that the larger scale model will inspire me to do additional stuff with the regular size version.

More of that later!

Its going to be a busy couple of weeks so I'll see you sometime around the middle of the month!