We've been waiting a long time for this, and Season 2 hits this weekend!  The new season brings a ton of new games to the table, and we return fully to our Dungeons & Dragons roots for a while.  Even more exciting is the prospect of awesome miniature games!

Thaw of the Lich Lord is the latest supplement for Frostgrave, and we've decided to use both the published books for this year's campaign.  In addition, this season will be the first to incorporate "campaign days" for both our wargames.  These will be event days set aside for the entire club to participate in the new games, and will be a ton of fun for everyone.

We have situated the Frozen City of Frostgrave to the north of Citadel Adbar, somewhere beyond the Ice Mountains.  This should give us plenty of terrain to move around on, from mountainous forests to the rocky crags of the topmost spires.  It's a time of hobby elation as we begin to both paint our warbands and build a new set of stark, cold and rocky terrain!

Our wizards are already prepared for battle!  Join us in discovering what the depths of Frostgrave holds by checking out the campaign page, and tell us about your wizard and warband.  We love to hear from everyone!

See you on Game Day!