"Don't you dare make a Skittles joke, worm."
A while back we started working on our scheduling system to fit in all the games we wanted to during the season.  Well, not all the games - we can't do that.  It's impossible, so we make compromises.  We can manage two per season, and we feel that's pretty good.

Now the day is split into two wargame sections prior to RPG's in the evening.  At noon, we start Frostgrave!  The later part of the afternoon is now devoted to the Attack Wing campaign!  Pitch in and help your team (Good vs. Evil, naturally) win!

Tyranny of Dragons II is the first of our organized team play campaigns.  These campaigns are designed to allow anyone in the club to play, just by walking up to the table.  Attack Wing is really good in this role, as the cards and counters conveniently track all the rules for you.  

That's not all that makes this campaign season awesome!  We'll be running an all day Campaign Day event, and there will be public campaign battles as well!  We'll keep you posted on public event information, including venues and registration fees.  Prize support?  Let's generate it!

Lots of cool stuff coming up this season, but we have to keep a lid on it for now.  Expect a few big announcements in the coming weeks.  See you on Game Day!