Hi all,
I hope you are all well :)
I'm currently a bit down with a cold - you know the one that's a sneeze to women, but life-threatening to men ;)
But luckily I was able to complete the diorama.
Too bad the auto-focus didn't agree with me.
But I think you get the idea :)
Even though I'm not 100% satisfied with the lady's face, I think I can live with it ;)
To bring it all together I applied some more pigments to the vehicles and the scene.
I think this makes it look a bit more realistic.
And the completed scene :D
I hope you like it.
I want to thank you very much for accompanying me on this little journey and I hope you enjoyed the ride.
Thank you for your feedback, suggestions and comments.
They lifted this project a bit higher and made it better.
Some HQ images to follow :)