Old School here with a little update for those of you who will be attending Adepticon for the 40k side of things! I am posting this because I know as well as anyone how the little things get away from us on the way from pre-reg to the event, so let's take a look. First off, the 40k Championships have a primer now, so check it out and start tooling your lists and tactics for the missions. Next, how sweet is this Goat up here?
The model will be in the first 2000 swag bags ... holy crap 2000! Wow Adepticon has grown. I plan to fold him into my cultists with the other beastmen, humans, mutants and ratmen I am using, but he will obviously be a very special character.

Next, there will be another amazing Chaos army up for the raffle by GMM Studios. This army looks great, check the adepticon site for more details .

No matter what you are going for, it's going to be a good time. Old Adepticon vets and new guys will be there in mass this year and we look forward to meeting as many old and new faces as we can while we are there.

I am going to have an exhausting schedule but will entertain any games I can get in between! What about you? Are you going to the con? Will you be playing in any of the events or taking classes? Maybe members of our crew will run into you!