Fresh from the Betrayal at Calth box, I finished a few bad guys. Painting up the veterans upgraded with Forge World bits was a pleasure already for the White Scars Veterans for my game against Goatmörser’s Sons of Horus. These guys here are another addition to my growing Word Bearers force.
For these Word Bearers Veterans I decided to go for silver helmets after discussing the matter with Goatmörser. The thing with these upgrade sets is that they of course look fantastic for every legion. But: there is no hint if these sets are intended for veterans only or also for rank and file marines. To make it more confusing it gets completely mysterious, when we concern the Thousand Son Achean and “normal” upgrades.
But never mind the musings of a mere painter… the result of my discussion was that I decided for a suggestion of Goatmörser to paint the helmets completely in silver and here we are.