There Are No Wolves on Fenris – Chaos vs Space Wolves

After having watched three rounds of fun gaming on Saturday for Fratris Salutem, it was my time to get in a game. I really wanted to spend some time working on a list, but time got the better of me. So, I put together a 1,750 list based mostly on my previous 1,500 list.

Disciples of Twilight: Chaos Space Marines – 1,750

  • Grimtech: Warpsmith – Mechatendrils, Bolt Pistol, Power Axe, Mark of Nurgle, Aura of Dark Glory, Blight Grenades, Melta Bombs, Gift of Mutation


  • Vengeance: CSM (5) – Veterans of the Long War, Plasma Gun

    • Champion – Melta Bombs, Combi-Plasma
    • Rhino – Dozer Blade
  • Redemption: CSM (5) – Veterans of the Long War, Meltagun
    • Champion – Gift of Mutation, Melta Bombs, Combi-Melta
    • Rhino – Dozer Blade, Dirge Caster
  • Cultists (10) – Autoguns, Heavy Stubber
    • Champion – Shotgun, CCW
  • Cultists (10) – Autopistol, CCW
    • Champion – Autopistol, CCW

Fast Attack

  • Chaos Bikes (8) – Veterans of the Long War, Meltagun x 2

    • Champion – Gift of Mutation, Melta bombs

Heavy Support

  • Maulerfiend – Lasher Tendrils
  • Maulerfiend – Lasher Tendrils
  • Devastation: Obliterators (3) – Veterans of the Long War

Lord of War

  • Chaos Knight Errant – Ion Shield, Heavy Stubber, Thermal Cannon, Foe-reaper Chainsword, Dirge Caster, Daemon Knight of Tzeentch

I was floating a handful of points, and didn’t have time to optimize the list, so I grabbed some Gifts of Mutation for fun.

Continue reading There Are No Wolves on Fenris – Chaos vs Space Wolves at Creative Twilight.