A box o' joy arrived from Forge World yesterday evening containing a number of new goodies for the ever-changing Thousand Sons! I got everything into a soapy soak overnight and got it rinsed off and laid out to dry this afternoon. Everything was present and accounted for, and I once again have to note how much more professional the packing and quality checks have been in the last few orders. Excellent stuff.
The loot includes a 10-man assault squad with the Achean upgrade kit, a mk.IV character set for conversion fodder, and a pair of the rather excellent new Thousand Sons Contemptors because how could I not? Of course, I couldn't help but jump right in and build something!
The plan at the moment is only to take one of the Contemptors to NOVA so that one gets built first - my personal favorite, a Contemptor Mortis with a pair of Kheres Assault Cannons. This will provide a modicum of anti-air support and is always good at mowing down squads of marines. I always love how much dynamism one can get out of the FW Contemptor kit, and while I do have plans for the ol' "Charging into melee" pose for the second one I thought a more solidly-planted pose would be suitable for the gunslinger. Rather pleased with how the pose turned out and I'm really looking forward to painting him up!
Heresy Era Thousand Sons – Reinforcements Arrive!
by Mordian7th | Jun 2, 2016