The flurry of building continued this weekend - it's been hot as all getout which means the hobby loft is proving challenging to work in for long periods of time so it's been surgical strikes of construction rather than long painting sessions. Today I turned my attention to the second Contemptor Dreadnought - this is a 'rule of cool' build for me, I love plasma weaponry and thought I'd put together a plasma dread - Plasma cannon on one arm and a plasma blaster built into the power claw? How could I resist?

As it's not a full-bore close-combat dread, I didn't want to go with a super action running pose, but rather went for a 'steadily advancing' look, reaching out as though he's going to throttle someone with his power claw. It was nice enough this afternoon to primer all the recently-built models, so I have a good chunk of models to paint now!