Since the release of the Marvel Universe Miniatures Game, Knight Models have taken on board all of the already large communities comments.
With this in mind, the new Errata / FAQ makes a few small alterations to the core rule and clarifies others.
For ease of taking these changes around with you we have a plain B+W copy downloadable HERE

These changes will only be needed for the first wave of printed rule books.
They are included in the Free PDF v2 Rulebook available HERE

If you have any questions of comments, post them below or check out the official MU group on Facebook HERE

Please share this around to every group, club, page or forum you know of with an interest in the game.

Update 07/07/16


Special Powers
Pg 15 
- Special Powers need Line of Sight unless otherwise stated. 

Pg 17 
- Attacks need clear LoS and trajectory unless a rule like Homing or Penetrative / Total Vision says otherwise. 
- You can Attack a friendly model but must still roll for the Attack and they still receive damage. 
- Each Attack can only have 1 Reaction to it and each model can only React once to an Attack. 
- If the targets Reacts and can no longer be hit, the Attack misses
- Secondary Effects cannot be Overloaded or Reacted to in Step 5. 

Pg 18 
- A Melee Attack with a range has no minimum range.
- A Ranged Attack can be made at a target over 2" away even if another model is within 2"

Pg 19 
- Cover does not stack. 
- Expansive Waves expand the stated distance in all directions. 
- Expansive Waves Auto-hit all models in range and not behind cover. 

Pg 20 
- Overloads are paid for at the same time as an Attack. 
- You get either 1 extra D8 OR an Overload Effect stated on the attack. 
- Overload only effects the initial Attack. If the attacks hits more than one target, each must be Overloaded individually. 

Endurance Bar
Pg 22
- Counters start on the first Grey box. 
- Different colour sections do not stack
- A Model is Incapacitated when the counter moves off the end of the card

Knocked Out / Down
Pg 23 
- Passive Skills stay active. 
- A KO model cannot spend any Power counters
- A KD model cannot spend Power counters on movement, Attacks or Powers until they stand up. 
- A KO / KD model Can use any skills that don't involved spending Pow or rolling dice.
- A KO / KD model can be be moved, pushed or thrown but may not make any Agility rolls. 

Pg 25 
- Throw counts as an Extraordinary (Blue) Attack with a Pow cost of 3

Pg 26 
- Both the Grab and Throw can be Overloaded and Reacted to. 
- Target must be in Line of Sight and Range and must be either an Enemy Character or Scenery Piece and at least 2" away like a normal Ranged Attack. 
- A Thrown item stays in the same facing it was on the table and hits at the first point of contact. 
- Secondary targets damaged by a Throw are also Knocked Down
- If the Throw roll is missed, the Thrown item or model is placed along its path of travel 1" away from the target or as close as possible without touching anything else during the throw or when  placed. 
- A Missed Thrown item or model receives or causes no damage and is not Knocked Down.  

Pg 28 
- Fall damage is only suffered if the model ends on a lower level than it began. 
- A thrown Friendly model is Knocked Down but takes no Damage. 

Secondary Effects
Pg 30 
- Awkwardness, Distract, Dazzle, Ensnare and Stun all stack. 
- Penetrative does not damage models in the way, only scenery. 
- Pushed models cause Overwhelm damage but don't receive any or become Knocked Down unless stated. 
- A Pushed model will stop if it hits a larger object or model. 
- Explosive extends the stated range in all directions. 

Pg 31
- Flying models do not suffer Fall damage but may still be Knocked Down
- If a model loses Fly, it also loses its 3rd Speed stat. 
- Leadership works on the Base / Printed Power stat and can only be gained from one model a round.
- Strategist can be used for a model to pass once a round.
- Homing adds “Measure a clear trajectory around any intervening scenery or models”

FAQ Characters / Spec Powers

Does Gambits Cheat Death cancel a whole aoe attack / attack that hits multiple models?
- Yes but can only do it once a game. 

Can Captain Americas Ricochet hit an unseen second target? For example, one around a corner?
- Yes

At what point of the Throw sequence is Wolverines Fast Ball Special resolved?
- Paid for in Step 3 after the Throw is paid for. Then the attack is resolved in step 4 before the target is KD in step 5. 

Can Nightcralwer / Deadpool Teleport while holding a Relic?
- No. The model is displaced so the relic must be dropped. 

Can Hawkeye use Hook Arrow to get on a building?
- Yes. He can hook to the edge of a rooftop in LoS.

Do Magneto's Throw Powers trigger Wolverines Fast Ball Special?
-Yes. It works on the Strenghth of the Throw.

Does a Free Grab and Throw from a Special Power replace the one Throw available per turn?
- No. a Throw from a Special Power is an additional throw.

If Rogue Power Drains Diamond Form from Emma Frost, does she also get the +1 Dmg to Strike?
- No. The +1 Dmg only applies to Emma Frost's Strike attack.

Bodyguard- How does it work?
- Bodyguard models steps in and back. Hit as a valid target if the original target could be. 
Anything that effects them like Explosive, Throw or thrown at, works from the models actual position.

Sabretooth has two typos on the card.
Advanced Pounce should be range - not 8.
Feral Attack should be 2(fist) not (fist)/2


In Relics, how do you control a relic?
- A model carrying a Relic is Controlling it. 

Can you carry 2 Relics?
- No. A model can only carry 1 item. 


Is MU compatible with the Batman / Spider-Man games?
- No. MU uses a different rules set including 2D8s. 

Is there a Rulebook in the Brotherhood boxed set?
- No. Free Rulebooks only come in the starters. Currently those are Avengers, X-Men and Guardians

Will Spider-Man join the MU?
- Yes. There will be a Spider-Man for MUMG

Will the Spider-Man Game continue?
- Yes. But slowly. 

Will MU get monthly release?
- We will try to make this possible. 

Will some models get alternate versions?
- Yes. Some models will have alt versions. But only a few. 

Will the Starter models be sold separately?
No. Only in the box sets. 

Will scenarios be in the rulebook?
- Different scenarios are in each of the starters with more coming in future updates 

Will the MU rules be online?
- Yes. They can be found HERE 

Are model rules available to see online?
- Yes. All cards are on the Knight Models website by the price in a link called Product Data Sheet